Service of hair pieces

Service of hair pieces

If you need help with cleaning or styling of your used lace beards or wigs.
Or if you have made some hair pieces yourself and want help to style them.
We are here to help!!

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  • Removal of glue from lace

    Removal of glue from lace

    If you don't have the chemicals or ventilation to clean your hair pieces yourself. We accept lace pieces that have been glued with Spirit gum, Telesi…

    375.00 SEK
    300.00 SEK (exVAT)

    375.00 SEK
    300.00 SEK (exVAT)

  • Repairs of a hair piece

    Repairs of a hair piece

    Sometimes a hair piece needs a bit of extra love! It might have lost a lot of hair that needs to be replaced or a big rip in the lace has happened, …

    1,000.00 SEK
    800.00 SEK (exVAT)

    1,000.00 SEK
    800.00 SEK (exVAT)

  • Styling of a moustache or beard

    Styling of a moustache or beard

    If you need help with styling of your used moustaches and beards. Or if you have made some hair pieces yourself and want help to style them. We are …

    312.50 SEK
    250.00 SEK (exVAT)

    312.50 SEK
    250.00 SEK (exVAT)

  • Styling of a wig

    Styling of a wig

    If you need help with styling of your used wigs.
    Or if you have made a wig yourself and want help to style them.
    We are here to help!!

    1,500.00 SEK
    1,200.00 SEK (exVAT)

    1,500.00 SEK
    1,200.00 SEK (exVAT)


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