Hair punching
If you ever need to have hair look like it is growing out of a foam latex or silicone mask so it looks real you will need a punch needle.
The traditional punch needle was just a cut off sewing needle but now we can offer you something much better than that.
Some of our punch needles has a crown of hooks at the tip of the needle and some of them have hooks going down the sides of the needle making it possible to just push the hair straight into the silicone without any needle grabbing of individual hairs making the process so much quicker and still getting great quality hair work.
Our kit has become very popular and we have sold thousands of kits to customers worldwide.
We have six different sizes of needles to work well in any project.
Size 19: Very heavy for hidden areas (Brown marking)
Size 36: Normal for human hair (White marking)
Size 38: Fine for thin human hair (Blue marking)
Size 40: Very fine for mohair or wool (Red marking)
Size 43: Ultra fine for the finest fiber (Yellow marking)
Size 46: An ridiculously tiny needle for the smallest of the smallest animal hairs (Purple marking)
Please note that Size 46 is NOT included in standard kit since it a very special needle and very fragile.
For this needle please order the custom kit instead.
Click here to read our big FAQ about punching
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See the needles in extreme closeup
We also make and sell a magnetic hair holder if you do not want to risk punch a hole in your fingers!