Airbrush Splatter Nozzle Standard fit. Large. Free download for 3D printers.
Free Downloads for 3D printing.
Here you will find all our 3D files that we offer for free download to use with your 3D printer.
Hope you will have lots of fun with them!
All these files are released under the Creative Commons but only for personal use and no sales!
CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)
The CC BY-NC-SA combines the NonCommercial and the ShareAlike features.
Therefore, the work can be adapted, and adapted versions can be shared under the conditions referred to here.
However, no commercial use of the licensed material is permitted, neither of the original nor of any modified form.
So please use it, change it to fit your airbrush, and share it with others but please do not sell it!
Below you can see a 3D version of the model. You can move it around and zoom in and out.